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Orange City Hack 2017 103
1st place


An innovative IoT waste management solution that encourages people to recycle through gamification and waste material sensing.
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by 8HATS Team

Orange City Hack 2017 137
2nd place


A new concept of parking spot sharing for the times when the owners are not using their assigned places. The UBER of parking, as the team presented it.
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by Strong Coders of the Citadel

Orange City Hack 2017 136
3rd place


A solution based on IoT, Machine Learning and face detection to monitor crowd density in public areas, to prevent dangerous or uncomfortable situations.
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by HackleBerry Team

Honorable mentions go to:

Tremend Hackathon Team 11

GityGO Bus Tracking and Payment

An app that helps commuters see the location of all public transportation vehicles, in real time, depending the traveller’s position.
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by CityGO Team

Orange City Hack 2017 117

Predictable Ride

A solution that reliably predicts the exact arrival time for busses and trams, while also predicting journey time.
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by 4CE Team

Tremend Hackathon - Pothole Sweeper

Pothole Sweeper

A vehicle-mounted scanner that detects potholes on the city’s roads and transmits information in real time to infrastructure management authorities.
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by Team 13

Tremend Hackathon Project

Emergency greenlight

A solution that helps ambulances or firefighter vehicles to travel faster in urban areas, by synchronising traffic lights on the route to give green light to intervention teams.
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by NewBucharest Team


Parking Booking

A solution that helps urban drivers to remotely book parking places in advance, so as to ensure and optimize parking availability.
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by The Expendables

Tremend Hackathon Team 12

Urban Parking

A parking management solution based on LoRa sensors that detect free spots and an app that allows users to physically lock and unlock the parking place.
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by Team 12


Bike Tracker

A solution that helps urban drivers to remotely book parking places in advance, so as to ensure and optimize parking availability.
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by City Zen Kane Team

Tremend Hackathon Team 9

Statum Parking Reservation

A parking spot detection, mapping and booking system, assisted by a mobile application, with a physical blocking system for parking spots.
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by Alive Pixels

Tremend Hackathon Team 10


An application that provides the location of buses and their destinations, while also giving alerts to commuters about approaching buses.
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by Copyrighted Team

Tremend Hackathon Team 6

Smart Park

An integrated parking management system based on a mobile app that enables drivers to spot free parking places and book them in advance.
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by Codderz with Attitudes